Vasily F. Mishukov

Science degree
Research highlights
  • Developing a simulation model of oil spreading and oil fate on sea surface
  • Measuring concentrations of oil hydrocarbons, phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organic and hydrogen peroxides in sea waters on different regions of the World Ocean
  • For the first time it was established that photochemical oxidation products of oil hydrocarbons changed physical and chemical properties of oil films on sea surface
  • Measuring parameters of carbonate system in estuaries of largest rivers: Anadyr river - Bering Sea, Amur river - Sea of Okhotsk; Yangtze river - East-China Sea; Mekong river - South-China Sea; Nile river- the Mediterranean, Elba river – North Sea
  • Establishing the effects of organic films on momentum transfer between atmosphere and sea, water evaporation and oxygen content in sea water were determined in natural experiments
  • Factor analysis of coastal oceanological fields demonstrated effect of pollution on same elements of coastal ecosystem
  • International experiments studying the transboundary atmospheric transport of aerosols and the contribution of natural and anthropogenic sources to the chemical composition of aerosols performed in Vladivostok (Russia), Shenyang (China), Seoul (Republic of Korea), Tokyo, Kanazawa, Sapporo, Kitakyushu (Japan).
Area of expertise
  • Oceanology
  • Ocean-atmosphere interaction
  • Hydrochemistry
  • Environmental modeling
Involvement in national and international projects
  • RFBR No. 94-05-17789, World Wildlife Fund No. D3077 / RU011001 / GLP, 03/17/05
  • FEB RAS grant no. 02-Ш-Г-07, № 05-III-В-09-012, № 06-Ш-Б-09-409, №12-II-0-07-006
  • RFBR Russia — Japan, project No. 06-05-91577-ЯФ_а (2006-2007)
  • RFBR Russia — Japan, project No. 12-05-92104-YaF_a (2012-2013) Program No. 1.33 of fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Basic problems of mathematical modeling”
  • Leningrad State University, 1975, Chemistry Department
  • Ph.D. in chemistry (1985), Institute of chemical physics, RAS