POI FEB RAS is a governmental non-profit scientific organization located in Vladivostok (Russian Far East) on the shores of Amur Bay (Peter the Great Bay) less than 100 miles from the borders of China and North Korea.
POI FEB RAS is Russian Far Eastern center for multi-disciplinary ocean research: Oceanology, Hydroacoustics and Technical Devices for Marine Investigation, Biochemistry and Marine ecology, Marine Geology and Geophysics.
Marine survey areas include Far Eastern Marginal Seas, Pacific Ocean, Eastern Arctic's Seas, Indian Ocean, and South Ocean.
The Institute is the largest scientific organization in the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS). Now POI FEB RAS comprises 8 research departments and 32 research labs equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities.
The POI FEB RAS major research areas combine basic investigations in physical oceanography: hydrology, climatology, hydrodynamics, hydrophysics in Pacific and Arctic regions, dynamics of non-linear systems, and satellite studies of the physical phenomena and the ocean and atmosphere interaction processes. Comprehensive experimental and theoretical research of the ocean acoustic fields is carried out to detect and study multiscale natural and artificial inhomogeneity in marine environment.
Special focus is given to remote acoustic methods for studying various characteristics of the water column. Investigation of physical processes in marine environment and adjacent geospheres is performed through the application of advanced laser-interferometric techniques. The priority research field is development of technical tools for acoustic tomography of the seawater dynamics and structure on the continental shelf and in the deep sea.
Ocean geochemistry and ecology are represented by integrated biogeochemical and thermodynamic research aimed at assessment of water ecosystem state and anthropogenic effect on sea and medium. The researchers study biochemical mechanisms of the marine organisms reaction to the environment pollution.
The marine geology and geophysics field is represented by research of tectonics, seismology, gravimetry, and paleooceanography in the Pacific and marginal seas. Gas geochemistry and marine mineralogy are concerned as a potential source of natural resources in the Far-Eastern Region and in the Arctic Seas.