Челомин Виктор Павлович

Учёная степень
8 (423) 231-2592
Ключевые публикации
  • Alterations of microsomal lipid synthesis in gill cells of bivalve molluscs Mizuhopecten yessoensis in response to cadmium accumulation".Comparative Biochem.Physiol., 99(1-2),1-5,1991, (in English).(with Belcheva N.N.)
  • The effect of heavy metals membrane lipid bilayer of erytrocytes of marine bivalve molluscs Scapharca broughtoni", Marine Biology,1-2,90-95,1992, (in Russian), (with Tiurin V.A.)
  • The effect of heavy metals on processes of lipid peroxidation in microsomal membranes from the hepatopancreas of the bivalve mollusc Mizuhopecten yessoensis", Comp.Biochem.Physiol.103C,(2),419-422,1992,(in English), (with Belcheva N.N.)
  • Effects of temperature and cadmium on the accumulation of copper by mussel tissues", In book:"Oceanic and Anthropogenic Controls of Life in the Pacific Ocean", Eds.by V.Ilyichev and V.V.Anikiev, Kluver Academic Publ.120-127,1992,(in English),(with Lukyanova O., Bobkova E.)
  • Cadmium bioaccumulation in the scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis from an unpolluted environment", in Book:"Ecotoxicology of Metals in Envertebrates", Eds. Dallinger R., Rainbow P., Lewis Publ.,26-35,1993,(in English),(with Lukyanova O.,Belcheva N.)
  • Cadmium-induced alterations in essential trace element homoeostasis in the tissues of scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis" Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 110 C,(3),329-335,1995 (in English), (with Bobkova E.,Lukyanova O., Chekmasova N.M.)
Научные интересы
  • Биохимия беспозвоночных
  • Биохимическая адаптация гидробионтов к стрессу.
  • Биохимическая токсикология тяжелых металлов.