Elena V. Maltseva

Science degree
Additional information

In 2004-2014, supervised 11 graduate theses in "Geoecology", 1 bachelor's thesis and 1 master's thesis in “Technospheric Security” Participated in expeditions onboard r/v “Akademik M. A. Lavrentyev” (cruises 42, 45, 48) . In 2009 - 2012, as part of the gas geochemical group, participated in expeditions (flights) onboard r/v “Akademik M. A. Lavrentyev” (voyages 47, 50, 51 56, 59)

Key publications

Author of more than 60 research papers. Essential works were published in joournals:

  • «Тихоокеанская геология» (Гресов А.И., Обжиров А.И., Коровицкая Е.В., Шакиров Р.Б. Метаноносность и перспективы освоения ресурсов метана угольных пластов угольных бассейнов юга Дальнего Востока. 2009. Т. 28, № 2. С. 103-116)
  • «Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography» (Vereshchagina Olga F., Korovitskaya Elena V., Mishukova Galina I. Methane in water columns and sediments of the north western Sea of Japan. 2013. № 86-87. P. 25-33),


and in monographs: 

  • Обжиров А.И., Гресов А.И., Шакиров Р.Б., Агеев А.А., Верещагина О.Ф., Яновская О.С., Пестрикова Н.Л., Коровицкая Е.В., Дружинин В.В. Метанопроявления и перспективы нефтегазоносности Приморского края. Владивосток, изд-во Дальнаука, 2007 г.,


  • Обжиров А.И., Гресов А.И., Коровицкая Е.В., Пикуль В.В., Горбачев К.П., Шакиров Р.Б. Перспективы добычи метана угольных месторождений Приморья. Владивосток: Изд-во ДВГТУ, 2008 г.
Contributions to conferences
  • Fifth International Conference on Geo-resources and Geo-engineering in Asian Pacific Region, October 20 – 24, 2008, Changchun, P.R. China.
Area of expertise
  • Natural gas distribution patterns in the Earth's geospheres, identification of their sources, and assessment of the impact of methane and carbon dioxide on environmental components
  • More detailed studies: gas content in liquidated coal deposits in the south Far East and ecological consequences of liquidation of mines, use of mine methane as non-conventional energy raw materials, and assessment of the impact of coal seam on the distribution of dissolved gases in the water areas adjacent to coal deposits
Involvement in national and international projects

Russian and international grants:

  • Grant of the President of the Russian Federation (MK_332.2011.5) . Head Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2011 -2012. Executor
  • Program of RAS Presidium (09-I-П17-10), 2009-2011. Executor
  • Fundamental Research program of the Russian Academy of Sciences, project No. 02.515.11.5017, 2007 – 2008. Executor
  • Fundamental Research program of the Russian Academy of Sciences, project No. 02.740.11.0022, 2009 – 2012 . Executor
  • Fundamental Research program of the Russian Academy of Sciences, project No. 16.740.11.0625 2011-2013. (FEFU). Head
  • Fundamental Research program of the Russian Academy of Sciences, project No. 8319, 2012 – 2014 . Executor
  • Projects of Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: 2009_Р3_ГрВ_С07_ТОИ , 2009. Executor
    • 09-III-В-07-372, 2009. Executor 09-III-Д-07-388, 2009. Executor
    • 09-III-А-07-324, 2009-2011. Executor
    • 10-III-В-07-191, 2010-2011. Executor
    • 11-III-В-07-146, 2011. Head
    • 11-III-Д-07-034, 2011. Head
    • 12-III-А-07-139, 2012-2014. Executor
    • RFBR-VAST 13-05-93000-Viet_a, POI FEB RAS – IMGG VAST, 2013-2014. Executor
    • “General investigation on geological and geodynamic conditions aims at planning economical development in the north of gulf of Tonkin” (KC.09.09). 2013-2014 POI FEB RAS-SEVMORGEO, 2008-2009. Executor
  • Sakhalin Slope Gas Hydrate Project 2007 – 2012. Executor SoJaBio.Russia-Germany, 2010. Executor
  • "General investigation on geological and geodynamic conditions aims at planning economical development in the north of gulf of Tonkin" (KC.09.09). 2013-2014.


Research fellowships

Since June 26, 2010: scientific secretary of the scientific and educational centre for natural resources and ocean protection, created on the basis of POI FEB RAS, Far Eastern State Technical University, Maritime State University, and Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University.

  • Far Eastern State Technical University (2004), Geoecology
  • Ph. D. in geology and mineralogy (2009)