Поздравление с Всемирным днём океана от Научного комитета по исследованию океана (SCOR)


Тихоокеанский океанологический институт им. В.И. Ильичёва ДВО РАН получил поздравление с Всемирным днём океанов от исполнительного директора Научного комитета по исследованию океана (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, SCOR) Патрисии Милославич.



Happy World Oceans Day!


Happy World Oceans Day to everyone! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the SCOR community and its affiliated organizations and partners for their phenomenal dedication to ocean science.

Through international Working Groups and Large Scale projects, the SCOR community has for more than 60 years, addressed global and multidisciplinary ocean issues.

The SCOR community plans and conducts research, solves methodological and conceptual problems, and builds capacity worldwide. SCOR also promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion in oceans sciences, and encourages and supports involvement of students and early career scientists.

Thank you for your continued support!

Patricia Miloslavich
Executive Director