Research highlights
Monitoring of the gas content in underground waters of South Primorye and in waters of the Peter the Great Bay.
Key publications
- Окулов А.К., Обжиров А.И., Окулов А.К., Телегин Ю.А. Газоносность Бикинского буроугольного месторождения (Приморский край). Вестник Дальневосточного отделения Российской академии наук. 2015. Т. 2. № 180. С. 78-86.
Area of expertise
- Gas geochemistry
- Geology
- Hydrogeology
Involvement in national and international projects
- “State subsurface state monitoring of the coastal-shelf zone of the Peter the Great Bay in connection with intensive economic development of the territory", state registration no. 643m-12-197, 2012-2014, main executor.
- Far Eastern State Technical University (2004), engineer
Advanced research
- Study of natural gas geology
- Gas chromatography