POI FEB RAS and FEFU has launched a new joint master program
In 2022 the FEFU Institute of the World Ocean and POI FEB RAS have launched a brand new joint educational program "Digital Technologies and Tools for the Monitoring and Development of the World Ocean," leading to Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in Earth sciences.
This year, first 16 students have started the full-time training program on September 19, 2022. The classes will be given at two sites – the FEFU campus and POI FEB RAS laboratories. POI FEB RAS labs will host the majority of lectures and practical classes. Dr. Petrov P.S., head of the Laboratory of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (POI FEB RAS) is assigned as the program leader.

Students have access to professors, courses, advanced World Ocean research techniques, practices and research facilities. They will be able to find potential advisors for their master theses according to their research interests in order to ascertain potential opportunities for graduate research support. They will also practice and improve their scientific research skills at the POI FEB RAS’s marine experimental facilities. Further, they can consider pursuing a PhD degree and continuing their postgraduate studies at POI FEB RAS.
In the winter term, the scientists from the POI FEB RAS teach the following courses:
- "Information resources about the World Ocean and the means of working with them" - D. D. Kaplunenko, PhD, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Physical Oceanography;
- "Digital signal processing" - A. Burenin, D senior researcher at the Acoustic Tomography Laboratory;
- "Elements of Computational Mathematics" - P. A. Faiman, PhD, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
- "Programming in Matlab” and “Python programming" - M. A. Sorokin, MSc, senior engineer at the Laboratory of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics.