Akulichev Viktor Anatolyevich

Science degree
Dr.Sc., full member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Academic title
Additional information
  • Director of V.I. Ilichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, FEB RAS (1994-2015)
Research highlights

Akulichev V.A. studied renewable energy resources of the ocean (tidal and surface waves, ocean thermal energy) and developed transformation methods, and created systems for practical use of this energy.
One of his main research areas is related to experimental and theoretical studies of cavitation in various liquids. He carried out complex actual measurements of water cavitation strength in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic Oceans. Based on these works, the patterns of interaction between cavitational strength and various hydrophysical parameters in the ocean were determined.
Akulichev V. A. also performed fundamental experimental and theoretical studies of cavitation in cryogenic fluids, including quantum cavitation in liquid helium. These studies allowed to determine the effect of ionizing radiation of high-energy particles on cavitation genesis in various liquids, including sea water.


Key publications
Акуличев В.А. - специалист по акустике океана, гидрофизике и механике волновых процессов, автор или соавтор более 250 научных работ, в том числе 4-х монографий: "Мощные ультразвуковые поля" (1968), "Кавитация в криогенных и кипящих жидкостях" (1978), "Периодические фазовые превращения в жидкостях" (1986), "Волновые энергетические станции в океане" (1989). Под его общей редакцией опубликовано научное издание в 4-х книгах "Дальневосточные моря России" (2007).
Area of expertise
  • Acoustics
  • Hydrophysics
  • Oceanology
Research fellowhsip affiliation
Acoustical Society of America (USA)
WESTPAC/IOC/UNESCO Sub-commission Member
Coordinating Committee Member of NEAR-GOOS/IOC/UNESCO
International editorial board member at Ultrasonics Journal (Oxford, UK)
Editorial board member at "Acoustic Journal" (Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (1961), Electroacoustics
  • Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics (1966), Moscow Acoustics Institute
  • Dr.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics (1975)
  • Professor (1985)
  • Full Member of Russian Academy of Sciences (2000)

Fulltext publications