Aleksander N. Samchenko

Science degree
Research highlights

Creating a geo-acoustic model of Peter the Great Bay.

Key publications
  1. Smirnov S.V., Yaroshchuk I.O., Leontyev A.P., Shvyrev A.N., Pivovarov A.A., Samchenko A.N. Studying Resonance Oscillations in the Eastern Part of the Posyet Bay. Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018. Vol. 43. № 2. pp. 88-94. DOI: 10.3103/S1068373918020048
  2. Aleksander N. Samchenko, Igor O. Yaroshchuk, Aleksandra V. Kosheleva Internal gravity waves in the coastal zone of the Sea of Japan according to the natural observations // Regional Studies in Marine Science 18 (2018) 156–160. DOI:
  3. Dolgikh G. I., Novotryasov V. V., Samchenko A. N., Yaroshchuk I. O. One Mechanism of the Formation of Sedimentary Waves on the Shelf of the Sea of Japan // Doklady Earth Sciences. 2015, Vol. 465, Part 2, pp. 1278–1282. DOI: 10.1134/S1028334X15120090
  4. Samchenko A.N., Kosheleva A.V., Shvyrev A.N., Pivovarov A.A. Low-frequency hydroacoustic experiments on the shelf using the data of geoacoustic sediment model // Chinese Physics Letters. Is. 12, Vol. 31, 2014. 124301. DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/31/12/124301
  5. Korotchenko R.A., Samchenko A.N., Yaroshchuk I.O. The spatiotemporal analysis of the bottom geomorphology in Peter the Great Bay of the Sea of Japan // Oceanology. 54 (4), pp. 497-504. DOI: 10.1134/S0001437014030047
  6. Самченко А.Н., Карнаух В.Н., Аксентов К.И. Геолого-геофизические исследования верхней части осадочного чехла и геоакустическая модель шельфа залива Посьета (Японское море) // Тихоокеанская геология. 2013. Т. 32. № 1. С. 65-75.
Contributions to conferences
  1. Samchenko A.N. The results of hydrological and geophysical studies Posyet Bay // Marine measurements in Geophysics and Hydrophysics. International working seminar. Vladivostok, September, 22-26, 2011. POI FEB RAS. 144-145 p.
  2. Samchenko A.N., Yaroshchuk I.O., Kosheleva A.V. Environmental acoustic parameters of the sea of Japan shelf (Peter the Great Gulf) // 21st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ACOUSTICS, ICA 2013 - 165TH MEETING OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Montreal, QC, 02-07 June 2013 / Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19, 070059. DOI: 10.1121/1.4799056
Area of expertise
  • Geoacoustic modeling
  • Low-frequency hydroacoustics
  • Seismoacoustics
  • Geomorphology of the shelf and coastal zone
  • Far-Eastern State Technical University, geological engineer
  • Ph.D. in geography