Vadim V. Novotryasov

Science degree
Academic title
associate professor
Additional information

Member of Dissertation Council in Oceanology (Д005.017.02).

Research highlights
  • For the first time, the scheme of closed statistical description of the nonlinear IGW field in the coastal zone of the ocean was proposed. This scheme solves a number of problems of transformation of these waves spectrum in a shallow sea with smooth inhomogeneities of the bottom relief. In the course of evolution, a non-uniform spectrum of vertical displacements with universal asymptotics is formed in the field of nonlinear IGW.
  • Solving the problem of modulating and parametric amplification of tidal internal waves by narrow-band synoptic noise in the coastal zone of the ocean
  • Registering the effect of parametric modulation of tidal IGW by narrow-band synoptic noise in the coastal zone of the sea
Key publications
  1. 1. A.Filonov, V. Novotraysov On a spectrum of nonlinear internal waves in the oceanic coastal zone // Nonlin. Processes in Geophys., 2007, Vol.14, pp. 757-762.
  2. Новотрясов В.В., Карнаухов А. А. О нелинейном взаимодействии внутренних волн в прибрежной зоне Японского моря // Известия РАН, Физика атмосферы и океана, 2009, том 45, № 2, с. 276-285.
  3. Лучин В.А., Новотрясов В.В., Степанов Д.В. Межгодовая и декадная изменчивость температуры промежуточных вод Японского моря во второй поло-вине XX в // Вестник ДВО РАН, 2010, Вып.6, с. 30-36.
  4. Stepanov D.V. and Novotryasov V. Internal Kelvin wave frontogenesis on the equatorial pycnocline // Geo-phy-sical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. 2011. Vol. 105, № 04-05. P. 438 - 452. DOI: 10.1080/03091929.2011. 577072.
  5. Новотрясов В.В., Ярощук И.О. О распространении длин-ных нелинейных внутренних волн на фоне статисти-ческих неоднородностей поля плотности // Изв. РАН «Физика атмосферы и океана» 2011. Т. 47. С. 701-704.
  6. Новотрясов В.В, Е. П. Павлова Определение парамет-ров низкочастотных внутренних волн в прибрежной зоне окраинного моря с использованием натурных измерений на основе нелинейной теории // Метеоро-логия и гидрология. 2011. № 4. Р. 82-86.
  7. Vadim Novotryasov, Anatoliy Filonov and Miguel F. Lavín Nonlinear internal tidal waves in a semi-enclosed sea (Gulf of California) // Geophysical Research Letters, VOL. 38, L24611, doi:10.1029/2011GL049886, 2011.
Area of expertise
  • nonlinear wave processes in the ocean
  • mesoscale oceanology
Involvement in national and international projects
  • 04-05-65271-а "Strong turbulence of non-linear internal Kelvin waves in the shallow sea", project supervisor
  • 09-05-98553-р_восток_а "Study of mechanisms and processes forming the climatic variability of the hydrophysical fields of the Sea of Japan", project supervisor
  • 12-05-00715-а "Highly nonlinear random internal waves in the coastal zone of the ocean", project supervisor
  • Far Eastern State University (1974), physicist
  • Ph.D. in physics and mathematics (1992)
  • Doctor in physics and mathematics (2007)
Advanced research

"Highly nonlinear random internal waves in the coastal zone of the ocean" - excitation, propagation, destruction.