Science degree
Research highlights
- Quantitative assessment of the natural environment of the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk in the Cenozoic
- Proposing an age-genetic model of cobalt-manganese ore crust formation on the seamounts of the Pacific Ocean
Key publications
- Гайоты Западной Пацифики и их рудоносность. М.: Наука, 1995. 336 с. (Волохин Ю.Г., Мельников М.Е. и др.)
- Динамика сообщества планктонных фораминифер в Японском море за последние два миллиона лет // Океанология. 2006. Т.46. № 5. С. 695-705. (Суханов В.В.).
- Age and formation conditions of the C0-rich manganese crust on guyots of the Magellan seamounts. Lithology and Mineral Resources. 2013. Vol. 48. N 1/ P. 1-13. (Melnikov M.E.).
Area of expertise
- Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic foraminifers
- Biostratigraphy and paleogeography of the Pacific
Involvement in national and international projects
State contract no. 12/18/630-22 (2016)
Research fellowhsip affiliation
Member of Micropaleontological Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Moscow State University (1974), geographer, paleogeographer Ph.D. in geography (1980)
- Dr.Sc. in geography (2012)
Advanced research
Indication of modern and ancient methane emissions in Far-Eastern Seas, based on the analysis and isotopic composition of foraminifera shells