Research highlights
- A series of works is focused on the research of mercury geochemistry in air, water and bottom sediments. Mercury fluxes, entering the ocean with river runoff and atmosphere, and the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on these fluxes were theoretically assessed. Theoretical works are united by the approach and use of ideas, based on integrated application of methods of physical, analytical chemistry and mathematics to solve geological and environmental problems.
- Mercury content and its geochemical associations with other chemical elements in bottom sediments of the Arctic and Far Eastern seas were generalized in a series of works, which is the first detailed study of mercury geochemistry in this region. Detailed maps of the mercury distribution in the air, water and bottom sediments were prepared for various regions of the seas as a part of the study. Both anthropogenic and natural mercury anomalies were identified and their sources were explained. Background concentrations for this region were established.
Key publications
About 90 publications including monographs, research papers, etc.
- Иванов М.В. Ртуть в донных осадках окраинных морей северо-восточной Азии // Тихоокеанская геология, 2014, №4, с. 63-74.
- Астахов А.С., Иванов М.В. Ли Б.Я. Гидрохимические и атмохимические ореолы рассеяния ртути над гидротермальными источниками подводного вулкана Пийпа (Берингово море) // Океанология, 2011, том 51, №5, с. 878-888.
- Астахов А.С., Валлман К., Иванов М.В., Колесов Г.М., Саттарова В.В. Распределение ртути и скорость ее накопления в верхнечетвертичных отложениях котловины Дерюгина Охотского моря. // Геохимия, 2007, том 45, №1, с 54-70.
- Поляков Д.М., Аксентов К.И., Иванов М.В. Ртуть в донных отложениях маргинального фильтра р. Раздольная (Амурский залив). // Геохимия, 2008, том 46 , №6 с. 666-673.
Area of expertise
- Geochemistry
- Mercury
Involvement in national and international projects
Research fellowships
- Member of Russian Mineralogical Society since 2002
- Far Eastern State Technical University (2004), geoecology
Advanced research
The research has both applied value (sustainable environmental management and protection of coastal waters) and fundamental value (intake, migration, and differentiation of substances in the geospheres in the context of intensive natural and anthropogenic impact).