Vladimir A. Shchurov

Science degree
Academic title
Research highlights

1980-2019: head of Laboratory of Acoustic Ocean Noises, POI FEB RAS

  • developing original acoustic receiving vector-phase systems
  • performing research in the North-West Pacific, Central Pacific, Indian Ocean 
  • forming the Ocean Vector Acoustics section as a part of physical acoustics discipline
Key publications


  • «Векторная акустика океана» (2003)
  • «Vector acoustics of the ocean» (2006)
  • «Основы векторной акустики» (на китайском языке, 2010)
  • «Движение энергии в океане» (2019)

Author of more than 150 research papers in Russian and foreign journals.

Contributions to conferences
  1. «Natural physical sources of underwater sound». University of Cambridge. UK, 1990.
  2. International Congress on Acoustic. Beijing, China, 1992.
  3. 5th Western Pacific Regional Acoustic Conference, Seoul, Korea, 1994.
  4. International Workshop on Underwater Acoust. Eng. and Technology. Harbin, China, 1997.
  5. International Conf. on Natural Physical Processes Related to Sea Surface Sound. University of Southampton, UK, 1997.
  6. Research International Workshop on Shallow Water Acoustics. San Francisco, CA, USA, 1998.
  7. 16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135-th Meeting Acoustical Society of America. 2a UW21. 1998.
  8. Euronoise 98. Munchen. Germany, 1998.
  9. IWAET’99. Harbin, China, 1999.
  10. WESTPRAC VII. Kumamoto. Japan, 2000.
Area of expertise
  • Oceanology
  • Acoustics
  • Hydroacoustics
  • Far Eastern State University (1964), Physics and Mathematics Department
  • Postgraduate school, Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics (1969)