Alexander N. Derkachev

Science degree
Research highlights
  • Summarizing the research results of the mineral composition features of marine and ocean sediments
  • Establishing statistically stable parageneses of heavy minerals that are regularly repeated in sedimentation basins that are similar in structural-tectonic (geodynamic) and landscape-dynamic (lithodynamic) sedimentation conditions. Developing indicative lithogeodynamic diagrams tallowing to classify the deposits depending on structural-tectonic (geodynamic) conditions of their formation based on associations of heavy minerals.
  • Discovering a large ore occurrence of barite mineralization associated with the activity of cold gas-fluid emanations (cold seeps) in the Eastern part of the Deryugin basin (Sea of Okhotsk)
  • Discovering a new manifestation of carbonate-barite mineralization on the Western slope of the Kuril basin, which was associated with the migration of hydrocarbon (mainly methane) and barium-containing cold gas-fluid flows coming not only from surface reservoirs, but also from deeper sources, associated with mud volcanism
  • Systematizing lithological evidences of gas-fluid emanations and accompanying gas-hydrates on the North- Eastern slope of Sakhalin island
  • Proposing a tephrostratigraphic correlation of Quaternary deposits of the marginal seas of the Far East based on a comprehensive study of the material composition of tephra layers. Estimating the possibility of using distal tephra mineral composition for the purposes of correlation and identification with large explosive volcanic eruptions.
Key publications

Monographs and monograph chapters

  1. Лихт Ф.Р., Деркачев А.Н., Астахов А.С. и др. Структура осадков и фации Японского моря. Изд-во ДВНЦ: Владивосток, 1983.
  2. Nechaev V.P. , Derkachev A. N., Heavy mineral assemblades of the Philippine Sea as indicators of subductions/collision related tectonics. Geology and geophysics of the Philippine Sea Floor. (Ed.Takuyama and Scheka S.A.). Terra Press, Tokyo, 1995. С. 215-233.
  3. Деркачев А.Н. Минералогические особенности окраинно-морского седиментогенеза (на примере Японского моря). Владивосток, Дальнаука, 1996. 226 с.
  4. Лихт Ф.Р., Деркачев А.Н., Астахов А.С. и др. Современное осадкообразование в окраинных морях Востока Азии (статистические модели). Владивосток: Дальнаука, 1997.
  5. Derkachev A.N. Nikolaeva N.A. Multivariate analysis of heavy mineral assemblages of sediments from the marginal seas within the Western Pacific / Heavy minerals in Use. Development in Sedimentology, Vol. 58. (Eds. Mange M.A., Wright D.T.). Elsevier: Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2007. - P. 439-464.
  6. Деркачев А.Н. ., Николаева Н.А. Особенности аутигенного минералогенеза в осадках Охотского моря / Дальневосточные моря России (гл. ред. Акуличев В.А.). Кн. 3: Геологические и геофизические исследования (отв. ред. Кулинич Р.Г.). - М.: Наука, 2007. - С. 223-239.
  7. Деркачев А.Н., Лихт Ф.Р., Николаева Н.А., Уткин И.В . Структурно-минералогические компоненты осадков как индикаторы обстановок приконтинентального осадкообразования . / Дальневосточные моря России (гл. ред. Акуличев В.А.). Кн. 3: Геологические и геофизические исследования (отв. ред. Кулинич Р.Г.). - М.: Наука, 2007. - С. 492-418.
  8.  Derkachev A. N., Nechaev V.P. Heavy mineral assemblades of the Philippine Sea as indicators of subductions/collision related tectonics. Geology and geophysics of the Philippine Sea Floor. (Ed.Takuyama and Scheka S.A.). Terra Press, Tokyo, 1995. С. 215-233.
  9. Деркачев А.Н. Николаева Н.А. Минералогические индикаторы обстановок приконтинентального осадкообразования западной части Тихого океана. Владивосток. Изд-во «Дальнаука», 2010. - 322с.

Papers (essential for the period 1997-2016)

  1. Деркачев А.Н. Николаева Н.А. Ассоциации тяжелых минералов в осадках западной части Южно-Китайского моря. // Тихоокеанская геология. 1997, Т. 16, № 4. С. 25-42.
  2. Деркачев А.Н. , Борман Г., Грайнерт Й., Можеровский А.В. Аутигенно-диагенетическая карбонатная и баритовая минерализация в осадках впадины Дерюгина (Охотское море) // Литол. и полезн. ископаемые. 2000. N 6. С. 568-585.
  3. Gorbarenko S.A., Nürnberg D., Derkachev A.N. et al. Magnetostratigraphy and tephrochronology of the Upper Quaternary sediments in the Okhotsk Sea: implication of terrigenous, volcanogenic and biogenic matter supply // Marine Geology. 2002. № 183. P. 107-129.
  4. Greinert J., Bollwerk S., Derkachev A.N., Bohrmann G, Suess E . Massive barite deposits and carbonate mineralization in the Derugin Basin, Sea of Okhotsk: precipitation processes at cold seep sites. // Earth and Planet. Lett., 2002. V.203, N. 1. P.165-180.
  5. Aloisi G., Wallmann K., Bollwerk S., Derkachev A.N., Bohrmann G., Suess E. The effect of dissolved barium on biogeochemical processes at cold seeps. // Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 2004. V. 68, N. 8. P.1735-1748.
  6. Greinert J., Derkachev A.N. Glendonites and methane-derived Mg-calcites in the Sea of Okhotsk, Eastern Siberia: Implications of a venting-related ikaite/glendonite formation // Marine Geology. 2004.
  7. Деркачев А.Н., Николаева Н.А., Горбаренко С.А. Особенности поставки и распределения кластогенного материала в Охотском море в позднечетвертичное время (на основе анализа ассоциаций тяжелых минералов). // Тихоокеанская геология. 2004. Т. 23. № 1. С. 37-52.
  8. Деркачев А.Н., Можеровский А.В., Григорьева Т.Н., Иванова Е.Д., Плетнев С.П., Баринов Н.Н., Чубаров В.М. Минералого-геохимические признаки существования аноксидных условий осадконакопления в локальных котловинах Охотского моря в позднем плейстоцене – голоцене. // Тихоокеанская геология. 2007. Т. 26, № 3. 203-229.
  9. Деркачев А.Н., Баранов Б.В., Карп Б.Я., Суховеев Е.Н., Григорьева Т.Н., Пальчик Н.А., Мороз Г.Н. Гидротермальные отложения как индикатор плиоцен-четвертичного вулканизма в центральной части Охотского моря / // Доклады Академии наук. 2009. Т. 426, № 6. С. 782-785.
  10. Батурин Г.Н., Деркачев А.Н. Ассоциация фосфатов с туффитами в колонке осадков Японского моря // Доклады Академии наук. 2008. Т. 419. № 3. С. 368-372.
  11.  Николаева Н.А., Деркачев А.Н., Обжиров А.И. Характерные особенности проявлений газово-флюидных эманаций на северо-восточном склоне о-ва Сахалин (Охотское море).// Тихоокеанская геология. 2009. Т. 28, № 3. С. 38-52.
  12. Choumiline R., Godinez-Orta L., Nikolayeva N., Derkachev A.N., Choumilin E. Evaluation of contribution sources for terrigenous and marine sediments of the La Paz Lagoon, based on the mineralogy of their heavy fraction, surrounding lithologies and drainage basins // Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana. 2009. Vol. 61, No. 1. P. 97-109.
  13. Nikolaeva N.A., Derkachev A.N., Obzhirov A.I. Lithological, mineral and geochemical indicators of methane emanations and associated gas hydrates in the sediments of NE Sakhalin slope (Okhotsk Sea) // Solid Earth (Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 20) (Ed. Sataki K.). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company Pte. Ltd., 2010. P.137-149
  14. Derkachev A.N., Nikolaeva N.A., Gorbarenko S.A., Harada N., Sakamoto T., Iijima K., Sakhno V.G., Lv Hua Hua, Wang Kunshan. Characteristics and ages of tephra layers in the central Okhotsk Sea over the last 350 kyr / Derkachev A.N., // Deep-Sea Research-II, 2012, V.61-64. P.179-192.
  15. Gorbarenko S. Harada N., Malakhov M., Velivetskaya T., VasilenkoYu., Bosin A., Derkachev A., Goldberg E., Ignatiev A. Responses of the Okhotsk Sea environment and sedimentology to global climate changes at the orbital and millennial scale during the last 350 kyr // Deep-Sea Research II, 2012. V. 61-64. P. 73-84.
  16. Minami H. Tatsumi K., Hachikubo A., Yamashita S., Sakagami H., Takahashi N., Shoji H., JinY.K., Obzhirov A.I., Nikolaeva N.A., Derkachev A.N. Possible variation in methane flux caused by gas hydrate formation on the northeastern continental slope off Sakhalin Island, Russia // Geo-Marine Letters. 2012. V.32, No. 5-6. P.525-534 .
  17. Derkachev A.N. Nikolaeva N.A. Possibilities and restrictions of heavy-mineral analysis for the reconstruction of sedimentary environments and source areas // Geologos, 2013. V.19. No 1-2. P. 147–158.
  18. Деркачев А.Н., Портнягин М.В. Маркирующие прослои тефры катастрофических извержений кальдерного комплекса Немо (о. Онекотан, Курильские острова) в позднечетвертичных отложениях Охотского моря // Стратиграфия. Геологическая Корреляция. 2013. Т. 21, № 5. С. 94-112.
  19. Николаева Н.А., Деркачев А.Н., Дударев О.В. Особенности минерального состава осадков шельфа восточной части моря Лаптевых и Восточно-Сибирского моря // Океанология. 2013. Т. 53, № 4 . С. 529-538.
  20. Ponomareva V., Portnyagin M., Derkachev A., Juschus O., Garbe-Schönberg D., Nürnberg D. Identification of a widespread Kamchatkan tephra: A middle Pleistocene tie-point between Arctic and Pacific paleoclimatic records //Geophysical Research Letters. 2013. Vol. 40, No. 14. P. 3538-3543.
  21. Ponomareva V., Portnyagin M., Derkachev A., Pendea I., Bourgeois J., Reimer P., Garbe-Schönberg D, Krasheninnikov S., Nürnberg D. Early Holocene M~6 explosive eruption from Plosky volcanic massif (Kamchatka) and its tephra as a link between terrestrial and marine paleoenvironmental records // International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2013. Vol. 102, No. 6. P.1673–1699.
  22. Деркачев А.Н., Николаева Н.А., Баранов Б.В., Баринов Н.Н., Можеровский А.В., Минами Х., Хачикубо А., Соджи Х. Проявление карбонатно-баритовой минерализации в районе метановых сипов в Охотском море на западном склоне Курильской котловины // Океанология, 2015. Том 55, № 3. С. 432-443.
  23. Gorbarenko S.A., Shi X., Rybiakova Yu.V., Bosin A.A., Malakhov M.I., Zou J., Liu J., Velivetskaya T.A., Ignatiev A.V., Derkachev A.N., Wu Y., Shi F. Fine structure of dark layers in the central Japan Sea and their relationship with the abrupt climate and sea level changes over the last 75 ka inferred from lithophysical, geochemical and pollen results // Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2015. Vol. 114, Part 3. Pp. 476-487.
  24. Ponomareva V.V, Portnyagin·M.V., Pevzner M., Blaauw M., Kyle Ph., Derkachev A.N. Tephra from andesitic Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, NW Pacific: chronology of explosive eruptions and geochemical fingerprinting of volcanic glass // International Journal of Earth Sciences. 2015. Vol. 104, Issue 5. P. 1459-1482.
  25. Деркачев А.Н., Николаева Н.А., Портнягин М.В. Минеральный состав прослоев тефры четвертичных отложений Охотского моря: ассоциации тяжелых минералов и их геохимия // Геохимия. 2016, № 2. С.182-211.
  26. Derkachev A.N., Nikolaeva N.A., Gorbarenko S.A., Portnyagin M.V., Ponomareva V.V., Nürnberg D., Sakamoto T., Iijima K., Yanguang Liu, Xuefa Shi, Huahua Lv, Kunshan Wang. Tephra layers of in the Quaternary deposits of the Sea of Okhotsk: distribution, composition, age and volcanic sources. // Quaternary International, 2016. V.425, P.248-272.
Area of expertise
  • Marine geology
  • Lithology
  • Tephrostratigraphy
  • Volcanology
  • Heavy minerals associations
  • Autigenic mineral formation
  • Paleooceanology
Involvement in national and international projects

International projects:

  • Kuril-Okhotsk marine experiment (KOMEX), 1998-2004 (Sea of Okhotsk)
  • KALMAR (Bering Sea, North-West Pacific), Russia-Germany
  • CHAOS, 2003-2005 (Sea of Okhotsk)
  • "Sakhalin Slope Gas Hydrate Project", 2007-2016, Russia, Korea, Japan (organization of works, results interpretation, drawing up reports and papers)
  • International Russian-Chinese project: National Natural Science Foundation of China projects (41420104005, 40710069004 and 40431002).

Russian grants:

  • Grant of POI FEB RAS, 2005. Mineral and geochemical features of the environments of hydrogen sulfide contamination of local depressions of the Sea of Okhotsk and associated sedimentary ore Genesis. (Head).
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) grant no. 07-05-00655-a. 2007-2009. Environmental, productivity and sedimentation responses of the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan to rapid global climate changes (on the scale of millennia and centuries) in the Pleistocene and Holocene. (Performer).
  • RFBR grant no. 10-05-00160-a, 2010-2012. High-resolution environmental and sedimentation changes of the Bering Sea - the key to understanding millennial and centennial climate changes in the subarctic. (Performer).
  • RFBR grant no. 11-05-00506-a, 2011-2012. Chronicle of strong explosive volcanic eruptions of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands in the Quaternary sediments in the northwestern Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. (Head).
  • RFBR grant no. 13-05-00346, 2013-2015. Research of tephra of Kamchatka volcanoes for reconstruction of parameters of the largest Quaternary explosive eruptions and correlation of remote sections of marine and land deposits (executive partner).
  • RFBR grant no.13-05-00296. Millennial, centennial, and decadal changes in the climate and environment of the Sea of Japan in the Pleistocene and Holocene due to global climate change (executive partner). Evolution of paleooceanology and North-Pacific intermediate waters of the subarctic Pacific ocean and its marginal seas during the last Holocene glaciation (executive partner).
  • RFBR grant no. 16-05-00127. Reconstruction of the terminations of the last four glaciations and subsequent interglacial periods in the sea of Okhotsk as a key to understand the global climate changes in the Holocene (executive partner).
  • RSF grant no. 6-17-10035. 2016-2018. The Scale and frequency of catastrophic explosive eruptions in the island systems of Northern Pacifica (executive partner).
  • Contract for drawing up a LITHOLOGICAL MAP OF THE SEAFLOOR SURFACE (with elements of a mineral map) for THE STATE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Scale 1:1,000,000 (third generation). Page M-54 - Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky.
  • Far-Eastern State University, geographer with a degree in physical geography
  • Ph.D. in geology and mineralogy (1989)
  • Dr.Sc. in geology and mineralogy (2008)
Advanced research
  • Tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology of Quaternary sediments in the northwestern Pacific and adjacent marginal seas
  • Mineralogical and geochemical identification features of continental sedimentation conditions, the nature of gas-fluid fluxes on the sea floor