Ruslan G. Kulinich

Science degree
Academic title
associate professor
8 (423) 231-1413
Research highlights
  • Finding correlations between the location of tin-tungsten deposits and features of the earth crust's deep structure within Sikhote-Alin (Far-Eastern Region) was identified which allowed for allocation of several mine-concentrating areas.
  • Identification and study of the ocean slope destruction transverse zone in the Central Kurils
  • Discovering Cenozoic evolution's common features in the marginal seas of East Asia: dependence of their location, structural plan and the main features of the internal structure on the pre-Cenozoic tectonic frame of regional and transregional level as well as a close temporary correlation of the major development stages and links to the largest geodynamic events in the surrounding continents and oceans
Key publications
  1. Прошкина З.Н., Кулинич Р.Г., Валитов М.Г. Структура, вещественный состав и глубинное строение океанского склона Центральных Курил:новые детали // Тихоокеанская геология. 2017. Т. 36. № 6. С. 58–69.
  2. Кулинич Р.Г., Заболотников А.А., Марков Ю.Д. и др. Кайнозойская эволюция земной коры и тектогенез Юго-Восточной Азии. М.: Наука, 1989. 256 с.
  3. Кулинич Р.Г. Особенности глубинного строения и эндогенная рудоносность мезозоид южной части Сихотэ-Алиня // Мезозойский тектогенез. Магадан: ДВНЦ АН СССР, 1971. С. 284–289.
Contributions to conferences
  • International conferences: Japan, Germany, China, Taiwan, Vietnam
  • Russian conferences: Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Honored Scientist
  • Medal of the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences and Technology
  • Medal for Exploration of the Primorsky region's Subsoil
Area of expertise

Potential geophysical fields as a source of information about the structure and geodynamic state of continental and ocean lithospheres

Involvement in national and international projects
  • Theme management within programs and projects: "Russian Far Eastern Seas and WESTPAC", "South China Sea", Kuril and Okhotsk Sea Experiment (KOMEX)
  • Federal World Ocean Program - projects:
    • "Research of the structure, composition and evolution of the litosphere, the processes of mineral formation and ore genesis in the Far East Seas and the western Pacific ocean on the basis of observations and modelling" 
    • "Geosphere structures and assessment of the mineral resources of the Far Eastern seas and the western Pacific"
  • Fundamental Research Program of the Russian Academy of Sciences: "Space-time changes in geophysical fields, their relationship with the structure, geodynamics and seismic processes in the litosphere of the far Eastern Russian seas"
  • Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Far East Project: 
    • "Geophysical fields, block structure and seismic activity of the Central Kurils: study of their relationship"
    • "Study of the variations of stress-deformation, hydrophysical, gravitational, geomagnetic and natural electric fields, their interconnections in the continent-ocean transitional zone"
    • "Monitoring temporary gravity variations and GPS monitoring in the land-sea transitional zone in the Sea of Japan"
  • Dnipro Mining Institute (1957), Geological Prospecting department, mining and geophysical engineer
  • Ph.D. in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1970)
  • Dr.Sc. in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1995)
Advanced research

Space-time changes in geophysical fields, their correlation with structure, geodynamics and seismic processes in the lithosphere of the Russian Far-Eastern Seas