Unit number
Department title
Information Technologies
Currently, almost all the work performed in the laboratory is related to creating a distributed oceanological information-analytical system of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This system should provide direct access to workplaces for specialists of POI and other institutes of the department, including the following resources:
- all data on the state of the seabed, aquatic environment, and atmosphere in the waters of the Far Eastern seas and the seas of the northeast Arcticaccumulated at institutes and obtained from other sources;
- visual aids for joint cartographic and general scientific visualization of all data types;
- efficient software for processing and analysis of oceanographic data, modeling and forecasting;
- to distributed and supercomputer network resources of the Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for supporting particularly labor-intensive computing tasks.
Lab team
- Vitaly K. Fishchenko, Ph.D., head of laboratory
- Andrey V. Golik, researcher
- Roman N. Gubanov, lead software engineer
- Dmitry A. Mashkovsky, lead software engineer
- Maksim R. Chichkin, lead software engineer
- Alexander V. Zatserkovny, lead engineer
- Natalia P. Obzhirova, lead engineer
- Lyudmila A. Orbova, lead engineer
- Maksim A. Ishchenko, lead engineer
- Anna A. Goncharova, senior engineer
Research area
- Development of automated environmental monitoring systems
- Digital infrastructure deployment for integrated operational surveillance of Peter the Great Bay
- Development of the oceanological information-analytical system (OIAS) of the FEB RAS based on Web, GIS and GRID technologies
- Developing algorithms and programs for oceanological data analysis and integration into OIAS
- Deployment of systems for modeling ocean processes based on ROMS and POM, their integration into OIAS
Lab team
- Фищенко Виталий Константинович, к.т.н., head of department
- Andrey V. Golik, researcher
- Roman N. Gubanov, lead engineer
- Зацерковный Александр Владимирович, lead engineer
- Dmitriy A. Mashkovskiy, lead engineer
- Lyudmila A. Orbova, lead engineer
- Maksim R. Chichkin, lead engineer
- Maksim A. Ischenko, lead engineer
- Nadezhda V. Sechenskaya, lead engineer
- Anna A. Goncharova, senior engineer