Laboratory for Arctic Research

Unit number
Research fields
Department title
Ocean Geochemistry and Ecology
Lab team
  • Igor P. Semiletov, Dr.Sc., corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (associate member), head of laboratory
  • Oleg V. Dudarev, Dr.Sc., principal researcher
  • Anatoly N. Salyuk, Ph.D., leading researcher
  • Irina I. Pipko, Ph.D., leading researcher
  • Svetlana P. Pugach, Ph.D., senior researcher
  • Andrey A. Grinko - senior researcher
  • Denis A. Kosmach, researcher
  • Yulia A. Moiseeva, researcher
  • Daria V. Purgina, junior researcher
  • Arkady V. Kurylenko, lead engineer
  • Eduard A. Spivak, senior engineer
  • Sergey A. Botsul, senior engineer
  • Elena Y. Rebrikova, engineer
  • Vladislav A. Krasikov, technician
Research area
  • Role of the Arctic seas in formation of the planetary maximum of greenhouse gases
  • Study of submarine permafrost as a factor, controlling methane emissions into the atmosphere in the seas of the Eastern Arctic
Fluxes of СН4 (а) and CO2 (b),mmol day-1 m-2,
in the ocean-atmosphere system on the shelf of the Eastern Arctic
  • Sedimentogenesis on the sea shelf in the Russian East Arctic and Far East
Map of seafloor sediments in the East Arctic seas
Lab team